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  • Événement
      The general meeting of 2015 will aim to take stock of the state of implementation of the 2010 resolutions and on the achievements of African network since the holding of the last general meeting. The meeting will include a technical…
  • Événement
      The general meeting of 2015 will aim to take stock of the state of implementation of the 2010 resolutions and on the achievements of African network since the holding of the last general meeting. The meeting will include a technical…
  • Événement
      Le Réseau Africain des Organismes de Bassin (RAOB) s'apprête à réunir tous ses membres et autres partenaires du 12 au 13 février 2015 à Addis Ababa pour sa cinquième assemblée générale dont l'objectif global principal est de valider la…
  • Événement
      La Asamblea General de 2015 tuvo como objetivo hacer el balance del estado de ejecución de las Resoluciones de 2010 y de las realizaciones de la red panafricana desde su última Asamblea General. El objetivo fue también validar la…
  • Événement
      The general meeting of 2015 will aim to take stock of the state of implementation of the 2010 resolutions and on the achievements of African network since the holding of the last general meeting. The meeting will include a technical…
  • Événement
    The Nature Conservancy (TNC), en collaboration avec l'Autorité du Lac Tanganyika et le Comité organisateur de la conférence des Grands Lacs africains aimerait vous inviter à assister à la première réunion du Comité technique Conférence des Grands…
  • Événement
      The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in collaboration with the Lake Tanganyika Authority and the African Great Lakes Conference Organizing Committee would like to invite you to attend the first African Great Lakes Conference Technical Committee to be held…
  • Événement
      The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in collaboration with the Lake Tanganyika Authority and the African Great Lakes Conference Organizing Committee would like to invite you to attend the first African Great Lakes Conference Technical Committee to…
  • Événement
      The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in collaboration with the Lake Tanganyika Authority and the African Great Lakes Conference Organizing Committee would like to invite you to attend the first African Great Lakes Conference Technical Committee to be held…
  • Événement
      The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in collaboration with the Lake Tanganyika Authority and the African Great Lakes Conference Organizing Committee would like to invite you to attend the first African Great Lakes Conference Technical Committee to be held…
  • Document
  • Événement
    The Institute of the Americas, the Observatory of Changes in Latin America, located in Paris, the International Network Europe Latin America Caribbean "Territory(s), Vulnerable Populations and Public Policy" of Limoges University, the Autonomous…
  • Événement
    The Institute of the Americas, the Observatory of Changes in Latin America, located in Paris, the International Network Europe Latin America Caribbean "Territory(s), Vulnerable Populations and Public Policy" of Limoges University, the Autonomous…
  • Événement
    L'Institut des Amériques (IDA), l'Observatoire des Changements en Amérique latine (LOCAL), situé à Paris, le Réseau international Amérique latine Europe Caraïbes (ALEC) "Territoire(s), Populations Vulnérables et Politiques Publiques" de l'Université…
  • Événement
    El Instituto de las Américas, el Observatorio de Cambios en América Latina, con sede en París, la Red Internacional Europa América Latina Caribe "Territorio (s), las poblaciones vulnerables y Políticas Públicas" de Universidad de Limoges, la…