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pour l'application des Directives européennes sur l'eau


La 19ème Conférence Internationale « Euro-RIOB » s'est tenue du Mercredi 8 au vendredi 10 Décembre 2021, à l'invitation des Autorités maltaises.

Les organisations, les administrations et autres acteurs intéressés par la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau à l’échelle des bassins ont participé à l'événement et partagé leurs expériences sur la mise en œuvre des directives européennes dans le domaine de l’eau !

  • Quatre sessions thématiques :

- Session 1. Engager les acteurs du bassin dans l'évaluation et l'évolution des Directives Eau ;
- Session 2. Outils économiques pour la gestion de bassin : intégrer environnement et biodiversité dans le recouvrement des coûts ;
- Session 3. Gestion quantitative et durable des ressources en eau pour l’adaptation au changement climatique et la préservation de la biodiversité
- Session 4. Panel spécial « Coopération internationale et transfrontalière pour la gestion de bassin »

  • Atelier de travail  « Les technologies du numérique au service de la gestion de bassin et de la préservation de la biodiversité aquatique »  (voir le Contexte de l'atelier)




  • Opening

Official opening ceremony - Eric Tardieu



  • Session 1. Engaging basin actors in the evaluation and evolution of the Water Directives

River Basin Managementand Flood Risk Management Planning in the Danube River Basin - Mr Ivan Zavadsky, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube (ICPDR)

Catchment officers in Sweden - Matilda Valman, South Baltic Water District Authority

Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Malta Aguas continentales superficiales - Ms Miraine Rizzo, Environment and Resources Authority, Malta

Engaging basin actors in the evaluation, an evolution of the Water Directives : the role of the International Scheldt Commission - Leon Dhaene – SecretaryGeneral International Scheldt Commission

La démocratie face aux enjeux environnementaux. La Jeunesse, acteur incontournable d’avenir - Alexandre Ledoyen, Administrator of the Artois-Picardy Basin


  • Workshop “How digital solutions can contribute to the implementation of EU water policies?

Workshop Etiquette

Welcoming - Eric Tardieu

Portfolio of Digital solutions - Dr Sonia Siauve, Office International de l'Eau

Synergy Group Digital Water 2020 - Nicolas Caradot, DWC

Great Torrington Water Forum - Kate Baker



  • Session 2. Economic tools for basin management: integrating environment and biodiversity in cost-recovery

Economic tools for basin management: integrating environment and biodiversity in cost-recovery - Mr. Ángel J. González Santos, Duero Hydrographic Confederation, Spain

Economic analysis and river bassin management: taking into account environment and biodiversity in cost recovery - Ms Amandine Mesland, Loire-Brittany Water Agency

Economic tools for bassin management: integrated environment and biodiversity in cost-recovery - Nicholas Ellul, Policy Officer, The Energy & Water Agency, Malta

Being Cost effective in preventing water stress TerAGUA-The Castelo do Bode watershed approach - Maria Vale, Directorate General and Territorial Development
Ministry of Environment and Climate Action, Portugal

River basin management & cost recovery : The French industry’s point of view - Mr Christian Lecussan, President of the FENARIVE, Vice President of the Seine-Normandy Basin Committee, France


  • Session 3. Sustainable quantitative management of water resources for climate change adaptation and biodiversity preservation

Dr Michael Schembri presentation, Chief Policy Officer, Energy and Water Agency, Malta

LIFE Eau&Climat Supporting long-term local decision-making for climate-adapted Water Management. Présentation du projet & opportunités d’implication - Dr Sonia SIAUVE, Office International de l’eau

Can Water Users’ Associations Improve Water Governance? - Dr Kevin Gatt, Department of Spatial Planning & Infrastructure

 DOÑANA: el camino a la reversión de la joya natural de europa - Mr Joaquín Páez, President, Hydrographic Confederation of the Guadalquivir, Spain

Tackling the water management issues due to agricultural activities in Romania - Gheorghe Constantin, Ministry Environment, Waters and Forests

The scientific council of Adour-Garonne basin committee : body to inform the decision - Mr Bernard Legube, President of the Scientific Council, Adour-Garonne Basin Committee, France


  • Session 4. Special panel “International cooperation & basin management”

“Rhine 2040”The Rhine and its catchment: sustainably managed and climate-resilient - Mr Marc Daniel Heintz, International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine, Germany

Transboundary Cooperation to Address Common Challenges - Mr Henry Debattista, Energy and Water Agency, Malta

“International cooperation & basin management” Hungary, ICPDR, UNECE Water Convention - Péter Kovács, Water Directorof Hungary Ministry of Interior

Mr Jean-Noël Pansera presentation, Secretary General, International Meuse Commission

European Union Water Initiative Plus for the Eastern Partnership (EUWI+) Challenges and Results - Alexander Zinke, Environment Agency Austria

Coordinated activities in the Drin river basin - Ylber Mirta, Head of Department for Waters Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning North Macedonia


  • Official closing ceremony

Présentation du Grand Annecy Euro-RIOB 2022


Closing by Eric Tardieu


F4W Digital Water #3 - Lluis Echeverria


F4W Digital Water #3 - Lluis Echeverria

F4W Scientific Presentation #2 - Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia