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  • Международные инициативы
    The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (Convention on the UNECE Water in English UNECE) was adopted Helsinki 17 March 1992. It is the…
  • Статья
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra suscipit ex, in posuere massa. Nullam porta, orci ac rutrum vehicula, felis ante rutrum arcu, in fermentum justo tellus quis est. Etiam a iaculis urna. Ut efficitur ligula gravida…
  • Новости
      200 participants des 5 continents ont participé à l'atelier international Eau et Climat sur le thème " Génie écologique et risques climatiques" organisé par l'Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie et l'Agence Française de développement les 20,…
  • Международные инициативы
    Paris Pact – You can still join the Pact!     The Paris Pact - all languages
  • Международные инициативы
      The round table organized during this "Water and Adaptation" Day allowed presenting real examples of adaptation projects in different basins in China (Hai River Basin), India (aquifer management), Mexico (Mexico Valley), South America (ECOCUENCAS…
  • Публикации
    The United Nations World Water Assessment Programme will contribute to the Climate Conference (COP21), with a side event organized on the occasion of Water and Climate Day, on Wednesday 2nd of December from 16:15-17:00 at the UNESCO Pavilion (Le…
  • Публикации
    Le RIOB a été sollicité pour la préparation du "Pacte de Paris sur l'eau et l'adaptation au changement climatique dans les bassins des fleuves, des lacs et des aquifères" pour mobiliser les acteurs désireux à s'engager à la COP21.   The INBO was…
  • Международные инициативы
      Adaptation to the effects of climate change: "Integrated Basin Management is crucial to guarantee water resources sustainability"   "Action Day" - 5 décembre 2015 - The French Republic President déclares "Il était…
  • Международные инициативы
  • Международные инициативы
        Last week, from 25 to 27 September 2015, at the UN headquarters in New York, UN Member Countries adopted a new global programme for sustainable development for the planet, organized around 17 goals. This agreement is the culmination of a…
  • Публикации
    United Nations Publication Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes