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The OECD Water Governance Initiative is an international multi-stakeholder network of public, private and non-for-profit stakeholders. It is gathering twice a year in a Policy Forum to share on-going reforms, projects, lessons a nd good practices in support of better governance in the water sector. It has the following objectives:
  • Advise governments in taking the needed steps for effective water reforms through policy dialogue across decision-makers at different levels ;
  • Provide a technical platform to discuss analytical work on water governance through peer-to-peer exchanges and knowledge sharing;
  • Provide a consultation mechanism to raise the profile of governance issues in the Global Water Agenda (World Water Forum, Post-2015 Agenda);
  • Support the implementation of the governance targets designed forthe 6th Workd Wate Forum (Maseille 2012) up to the 7th Workd Water Forum (Korean 2015);
  • Contribute to the design of Principles on Water Governance and Indicators on Watyer Governance to engage decision-makers to commit to action.
Remarks by Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General, delivered at the 4th Meeting of the OECD Water Governance Initiative 25 November 2014, Paris, France
OECD Principles on Water Governance brochure 
Welcomed by Ministers at the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting on 4 June 2015