The Mediterranean Network of Basin Organizations (MENBO; in Spanish Red Mediterránea de Organismos de Cuenca – REMOC), is a non-profit organization created in November 2002, following a Constitutive Assembly, as a regional network of INBO.
MENBO’s permanent Technical Secretariat is provided by the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation (Valencia, SPAIN), with institutional support from the Spanish Ministry responsible for water resource management.
The Network is open to all Mediterranean basin organisations, national administrations responsible for water management and other bi or multilateral cooperation organisations that support Integrated Water Resources Management actions at basin level.
MENBO’s main objective is to promote IWRM at basin level as an essential tool for sustainable development.
MENBO organises activities:
- cooperation, exchanges of experience and sharing of knowledge between Mediterranean countries and organisations wishing to improve their IWRM at basin level,
- development of tools for institutional and financial management and monitoring of water resources, creation of databases and concerted medium- and long-term action plans and programmes.
- capacity building, in particular by training local elected representatives, water users and other stakeholders in water management, but also by raising public awareness of sustainable water resource management.