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On the occasion of the 10th World Water Forum, which is taking place from 18 to 25 May in Bali (Indonesia), the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) has mobilized strongly for this key meeting of stakeholders in the world of water and the environment on a global scale.
A delegation of INBO experts on site has organised and/or will take part in various sessions on key issues such as concerted governance, sharing knowledge and decision-making tools, finding sustainable funding, preserving biodiversity, hydrodiplomacy, strengthening institutions and the skills of professionals at all levels, sustainable development, etc.
A political segment dedicated to basin management
An emblematic day of dialogue, reflection and exchanges of experience to improve the effectiveness of public policies, organised by INBO, will be dedicated to basin management on 22 May. Throughout the day, round tables on topics such as governance, planning, financing, water information systems and cross-border cooperation will bring together political leaders and representatives from different regions of the world.
The aim? To engage and mobilise stakeholders to accelerate the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by and for river basins.
Mobilising people around advocacy initiatives
This 10th WWF will also be an opportunity for INBO to promote advocacy initiatives that have been initiated or relayed:
- the Bali Basin Champions Agenda, an initiative that presents the commitments made by players in the water world to make management by and for the basins a political priority.
- the Coalition for Transboundary Water Cooperation, to demonstrate the benefits of transboundary water cooperation for both upstream and downstream countries.
- the ‘Bali Coalition for Strengthening Training in the Water Sector’, to be launched at the WEF by INBO, the International Office for Water (OiEau) and their partners.
- The incubator for ‘Water and Climate’ projects, to help budding project leaders from all over the world to develop their projects and bring them to fruition.
A handbook on the transfer of waste and plastics in aquatic environments
New publications will be presented, including a flagship release: the Transfer of Waste and Plastics in Aquatic Environments handbook, published in four languages (French, English, Spanish and Chinese) to help you understand and act on this global challenge.
The handbook was written in partnership with the French solid waste partnership (PFD), the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB). It combines in-depth articles and case studies (Cambodia, Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Côte d’Ivoire, United States, Australia, etc.) and presents tried and tested solutions that can be adapted to different contexts.