• date_range From 07 to 10/10/2024

  • location_on Bordeaux, France

  • language French, English, Spanish

  • person On site

  • category INBO General Assembly

  • Thematic session 1: ” International and cross-border cooperation for basin management “.
  • Parallel thematic sessions 2: “The dual challenge of restoring and maintaining water quality“, with three parallel sessions: 2.A. Good ecological status of waters 2.B. Cross-border cooperation and water quality management 2.C. Agriculture and water quality
  • Thematic session 3: ” Water scarcity: planning and tools for the quantitative management of water resources at basin level “.
  • Parallel thematic sessions 4: ” Tools and measures for adaptation to climate change ” 4.A. Reconciling small and large water cycles: a basin-wide strategy for the reuse of wastewater and other non-conventional water resources for climate change adaptation 4.B. Data and information for climate change adaptation in basins 4.C. Integrating Nature-based Solutions for climate change adaptation in basins
  • Thematic session 5: ” Meeting the challenge of adapting to climate change: the benefits of good basin governance “.
  • Workshop “Science-policy interface for water management: contributions from the European Water4All project”.
  • Technical workshop “Improving the coherence of water and biodiversity policies, from towns to basins”.
  • Annual meeting of the heads of European transboundary basin organizations.

You can download the elements relating to this event below: