The World General Assembly of INBO, the international event devoted to water management at the level of river basins throughout the world, will take place in Bordeaux, France, at the Cité Mondiale Convention Centre (18 Parvis des Chartrons) from 7 to 10 October 2024.
You are invited to attend by INBO, the French water agencies, in particular the Adour-Garonne water agency, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and the French Biodiversity Office.
- Thematic session 1: ” International and cross-border cooperation for basin management “.
- Parallel thematic sessions 2: “The dual challenge of restoring and maintaining water quality“, with three parallel sessions: 2.A. Good ecological status of waters 2.B. Cross-border cooperation and water quality management 2.C. Agriculture and water quality
- Thematic session 3: ” Water scarcity: planning and tools for the quantitative management of water resources at basin level “.
- Parallel thematic sessions 4: ” Tools and measures for adaptation to climate change ” 4.A. Reconciling small and large water cycles: a basin-wide strategy for the reuse of wastewater and other non-conventional water resources for climate change adaptation 4.B. Data and information for climate change adaptation in basins 4.C. Integrating Nature-based Solutions for climate change adaptation in basins
- Thematic session 5: ” Meeting the challenge of adapting to climate change: the benefits of good basin governance “.
- Workshop “Science-policy interface for water management: contributions from the European Water4All project”.
- Technical workshop “Improving the coherence of water and biodiversity policies, from towns to basins”.
- Annual meeting of the heads of European transboundary basin organizations.
You can download the elements relating to this event below: