update Updated 16 October 2024
category Climate change adaptation Cooperation News
Faced with increasing pressure on water resources, exacerbated by climate change, the sustainable management of river basins is becoming a crucial issue for the coming decades. Floods, droughts and the deterioration in water quality threaten both ecosystems and human populations. In addition, population growth and unsustainable consumption patterns are intensifying water stress. These challenges, accentuated by the often fragmented management of transboundary basins, call for enhanced cooperation and resilient adaptation of management strategies by territories at all levels.
In this context, INBO, on the occasion of its 30th anniversary, is organising its World General Assembly to bring together stakeholders in basin management and develop concerted and innovative solutions. This event will be held from 7 to 10 October 2024, exclusively in person, at the Cité Mondiale Congress Centre in Bordeaux, France, with the support of the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention, at the invitation of the French water agencies, in particular the Adour-Garonne Water Agency, and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, and in partnership with the French Biodiversity Office (OFB).
With more than 300 experts and players from the world of water, from nearly 60 countries, this event will provide an ideal opportunity to discuss the crucial issues relating to water resources and climate change. Through a variety of perspectives, participants will share their experiences, highlighting management strategies that are resilient, sustainable and adapted to various contexts, at basin level.